Do you want an unstoppable value proposition for your store?
Something that none of your competitors (no matter how hard they try, how long they’ve been in the industry, or how much money they spend) can compete with?
Something that attracts customers and converts customers into loyal, raving fans?
You want to become a Shopify Niche Celebrity
Why Become A “Shopify Niche Celebrity”?
When you’re a Shopify Niche Celebrity you’ve built up an amazing amount of proof (2lbs, in fact) that shows that you, your store, and your products are trusted, respected, and valued by your customers.
Let’s break down what it means to be a Shopify Niche Celebrity:
- Shopify — You have an Ecommerce store and you use Shopify.
- Niche — You have a specific target market picked out. You’re focusing on a small, viable subset of that target market as your niche.
- Celebrity — You’re everywhere. Customers can’t help but run into you. Testimonials, case studies, product reviews, search results, podcast interviews, guest posts, and more. Your customers can’t help but stumble across your “2Lbs of Personality”.
When you’re a Shopify Niche Celebrity, your customers have this strange feeling of going from
‘Who is this company I keep hearing about?’
‘I have to order from this company I keep hearing about!”
What Does It Take To Become A “Shopify Niche Celebrity”?
To be a Shopify Niche Celebrity, you need to be everywhere.
You want to make it so customers just can’t help but run into you and reasons to buy from you:
- Testimonials and case studies from happy customers, published on your site or the customer’s site
- Product reviews on YouTube, showing off the highlights, features, and benefits of your products
- High ranking pages in the search results so when a customer is searching, you’re what they find
- Podcasts interviewing you or key members of your team, sharing examples of problems your customers overcame with your product
- Guest articles on prominent sites and in popular trade magazines that your target market reads
- Quotes from you and your team in popular articles online
Uncountable proof that your products and your store are the best option for customers.
How Do You Become A “Shopify Niche Celebrity”?
You want to develop uncountable proof that your products and your store are the best option for customers.
You do this by:
- Developing a Unique Personal Brand
- Assembling your “2lbs of Personality”
As you assemble your “2lbs of Personality,” you naturally become a celebrity in your niche.
When you have “2lbs of Personality,” you’re everywhere your customers are looking:
- Websites
- Magazines and trade publications
- Social Media
- Podcasts
- YouTube
You become a Shopify Niche Celebrity by developing your Unique Personal Brand and assembling your “2lbs of Personality.”